
please share any ideas or comments you have!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grain-Free Chicken Nuggets

This recipe came from Living Without. I had to change and eliminate some of the seasonings to fit Ellie's allergy list. I am sure, that they would be amazing if you can add all the spices. None the less, the girls liked these...

  • 1 lb. of organic, hormone-free turkey or chicken
  • for nuggets, throw the meat in the blender, using chopped up meat, easily forms into balls. *grind the coconut first, for safe handling
  • 1 tbls annies honey-mustard (check label)
  • 3 tbls allergy safe oil
  • 2 cups of *shredded, unsweetened coconut, grind in blender until small crumbs
  • 1 tsp ground paprika
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric (this is a great spice, with many health benefits)
  • 1/2 thyme
  • salt & pepper to taste
Preheat oven to *375. Lightly grease baking sheet. Whisk mustard and oil together in a small bowl. Place ground-up coconut onto a plate, mix in all the seasonings with the coconut. Dip formed nuggets into the mustard mix, then coat with coconut mixture, place on the cookie sheet. Finish this assembly line until all nuggets are prepped and ready to cook.
Bake in oven for 10 min, turn once and cook for 10 m in more.


  1. Oh, this looks delicious! Just curious, though, are you fond of adding turmeric in most of your recipes? Heard that it really has a lot of health benefits. :)
