
please share any ideas or comments you have!

Friday, April 22, 2011


is a very bad word. As I have been learning more and more about this "auto-immune diseases", I am feeling more and more over whelmed. There is no "cure" just a lot of "what-if". The most drastic "what-if" is a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy will produce the highest percentage of a "fix" being 80-90%. Not bad if you are emotionally and physically prepared to go through menopause. Not at 34! I am determined to fight this. At least for a little while....

The Dr. I saw today has highly suggested a series of hormone injections called Lupron. Basically the drug will stop my ovaries from producing estrogen, estrogen is what "feeds" endometriosis, putting me into a menopausal state. Again, not happy with that idea. I meet with another Dr. tomorrow to see what other hope is out there.

MEANWHILE... I have decided to put myself on the "Endometriosis Diet" in hopes to shut down any supply my body has to producing, feeding, inflaming or irritating the estrogen in my body.


NO wheat or wheat products & no rye

NO Meats (there are a few exceptions, some seafood and once in a great while, organic eggs and chicken if it is skinless, organic, and hormone free.) I haven't been ready to bring myself to eat chicken yet. Maybe one day I will be able to stomach it?

NO sugar/honey

NO dairy

NO soy

NO caffeine of any sorts

NO additives, no refined foods and

NO convenient foods

So! What do I eat??? Great question.

I have successful given up meat (except some seafood) for about 4 months now. Refined sugars, 2 months - although I need a lot of improvement here. Now that I am working on the "no wheat" thing and no soy (soy is in everything!!!) I am feeling really overwhelmed. And now that I can't eat "anything" I am eating "everything" (of things I can eat.) Ive even gained the 5lbs I initially lost when giving up sugar and meat... darn.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started a blog, Mimi. It can help keep you focused. Are you taking B12? You should make sure you take a supplement if you are going no meat, no dairy. A long-term deficiency in B12 can cause really bad things like depression and brain damage. Some vegan literature suggests you can get it from seaweed, but many other sources claim that is untrue and the compound in seaweed can actually deplete your B12. I'd start taking it to be safe, if I were you...
